The Dental Insurance Cure

Webcast Training: Tuesday September 10th at 8pm ET

DOCTOR, DO YOU HATE INSURANCE? If you’re fed up and ready to abandon ship on “Insurance-Based Dentistry” once and for all, then register for...

“The Dental Insurance Cure: How to
Combat the Industry's Most Destructive Cancer
and Take Back Control Over the Health of
Your Patients and Your Practice.”

“Discover How to Break the Case Acceptance – Insurance Link Once and for All…
So You Can Escape the Bonds of Time-Based Production and Experience
the High Profit, High Satisfaction Benefits of Value-Based Dentistry
in Your Practice Today, Tomorrow, and Far Into the Future”


There’s a nasty, false perception today infecting many small practices – blocking them from experiencing the revolutionary success they deserve.

It’s the mistaken notion that “If we don’t accept insurance, we’ll never get any new patients and my practice will fail.”

Well, it’s time to call out that idea for exactly what it is …  BS.

The TRUTH instead is that your fastest path to exploding revenues – and the quality of your patients – is to essentially tell those Big Insurance schemers to shove it and shove off.

Don’t be scared.  Frankly, it’s far easier and more satisfying than you ever dreamed.

You CAN free yourself and your practice from the oppressive shadow of insurance – and the specifics of how to make that happen as easily and quickly as possible is exactly what we be cover in an exclusive Webcast Training that you can attend absolutely FREE, that we call:

“The Dental Insurance Cure: How to Combat the Industry's
Most Destructive Cancer and Take Back Control Over
the Health of Your Patients and Your Practice.”

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover:

  • How Big Insurance sucks you into a never ending DEATH SPIRAL of reduced fees, bare-bones profits, and low quality patients - and how to escape their clutches before they drive you down into ruin.
  • The dirty little secret about "new patients"... you're literally killing yourself trying to chase them down with promises of "Covered Dentistry."
  • The biggest mistakes Practices make when dealing with Insurance-Driven Patients – how to “cut the cord” and shift focus to pro-active, diagnosis-based treatments and optimal health outcomes.
  • Simple tweaks to your menu of dental services that can quickly Open the Floodgates to Increased Revenues... revenues that don't depend on even one thin dime’s worth of insurance.
  • The 5 ways that "insurance dentistry" costs you MASSIVE time and money each and every time you accept a Dental Insurance patient.
  • How to free yourself from BIG INSURANCE once and for allat last you’ll be able to declare independence from stifling bureaucratic oversight and paperwork, saving yourself both TIME and MONEY!

And of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg… I’m going to cover a lot more as well!

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